State Level Events

·         Mathematical Puzzle:- A school has to bring their own puzzle and supporting material. The puzzle should have some mathematical significane and students should know about the history of the puzzle brought.

·         Mathematical Model :- A school can bring any live mathematical models or any models in the contest. Supporting materials such as laptops, pages, documents should also be brought with the models

·         Vedic Mathematics:-15 to 20 questions will be given to solve to students in 5- 7 minutes. Student will also have to write the formula used to reach their answer. There is no need to show their answer in details.

·         Why and How in Mathematics:- Students will have to give mathematical reasoning or proof of the question asked.


·         Extempore:- Studnet will have to choose a topic of their own interest to speak. The time of the presentation will be 5 minutes. History of the topic should also be emphasised. The topic choosen for the extempore should be from the School syllabus of Class 7 to 12.

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Our main goal is to eliminate weaknesses of students in basics of mathematics and to create & develop interest in the subject of mathematics.

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